Pub waste management

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Pub waste management in numbers

<h3><a href=",of%20which%20are%20food%20waste" target="_blank" rel="noopener">173,000 tonnes</a></h3>

173,000 tonnes

British pubs produce 173,000 tonnes of food waste annually.

<h3><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">£357 million</a></h3>

£357 million

Waste Collections cost pubs £357 million annually.

<h3><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">22% wasted</a></h3>

22% wasted

22% of pub food served to patrons is wasted.

Compare pub waste collection services

Compare pub waste collection solutions and benefit from the following:

<h3>Cost efficiency</h3>

Cost efficiency

Pubs comparing waste collection services can find affordable options, ensuring cost-effective waste management solutions.

<h3>Tailored solutions</h3>

Tailored solutions

By comparing services, pubs can discover waste collection providers offering tailored solutions, such as recycling programs or on-demand pickups.

<h3>Environmental sustainability</h3>

Environmental sustainability

When comparing waste collection services, pubs can select environmentally responsible providers, supporting their green initiatives and enhancing their reputation.

Pub waste collection and disposal

In pubs, commercial waste collection and disposal are essential to keep the establishment running smoothly.

Our experts examine how pubs manage their waste, from collection to disposal, highlighting practical strategies and techniques for maintaining cleanliness and sustainability.

We will cover the following subjects in detail:

Pub waste streams

Behind the lively atmosphere of a pub lies a less glamorous truth: waste. From empty bottles to paper napkins and plastic straws, pubs generate various waste streams daily.

Let’s cut through the noise and explore the types of waste produced by pubs, revealing the reality behind the scenes.

<h3>Glass waste</h3>

Glass waste

Glass waste in pubs includes empty bottles from alcoholic drinks like beer, wine, and spirits and broken glassware from accidents or regular wear and tear.

<h3>Food waste</h3>

Food waste

Food waste in pubs comprises food scraps, leftovers, and spoiled items generated during food preparation and serving, including unused vegetable peels, trimmings, uneaten customer plates, and expired perishable items.

<h3>General waste</h3>

General waste

General waste in pubs encompasses non-recyclable waste such as packaging materials, disposable items, and other miscellaneous items that cannot be categorised for recycling.

<h3>Plastic waste</h3>

Plastic waste

Plastic waste consists of single-use items such as straws, stirrers, condiment packets, disposable cups, and plastic packaging, commonly provided to customers and generated from takeout orders.

<h3>Cardboard waste</h3>

Cardboard waste

Cardboard waste comprises packaging materials, boxes, and cartons used for shipping and storing supplies and goods. It is typically disposed of after unpacking deliveries.

<h3>Metal waste</h3>

Metal waste

Metal waste consists of beverage cans, bottle caps, aluminium foil, and kitchen utensils, including items used in food preparation and discarded utensils or equipment.

Waste minimisation strategies for pubs

Minimising waste is critical for pubs. It reduces the environmental impact of waste, reduces waste collection costs, and improves operational efficiency.

We outline practical strategies for waste reduction that comply with UK waste regulations and improve sustainability.

Learn how to manage waste and lead your pub towards greener practices effectively.

<h3>Reusable utensils</h3>

Reusable utensils

Switching to reusable or biodegradable straws and utensils can significantly reduce plastic waste generated by the pub.

By offering alternatives that are either washable and reusable or made from biodegradable materials, such as bamboo or paper, pubs can help minimise their environmental footprint.

<h3>Composting food waste</h3>

Composting food waste

Pubs generate significant volumes of organic waste, including food scraps and leftovers.

Implementing a composting program allows pubs to divert this waste from landfills and turn it into nutrient-rich compost, which can be used for landscaping or gardening.

<h3>Bulk purchasing</h3>

Bulk purchasing

Pubs can minimise packaging waste by buying ingredients and beverages in bulk and dispensing them using refillable containers or kegs.

This approach reduces the need for single-use bottles, cans, and packaging materials, generating less waste.

<h3>Utilise technology</h3>

Utilise technology

Reduce paper waste by adopting digital solutions.

This can include:

  • Digital menus: Using QR codes for menu access instead of printed menus
  • Electronic receipts: Offering customers the choice of electronic receipts instead of printed ones.
<h3>Staff training</h3>

Staff training

Proper staff training is key to successful waste minimisation. Regularly train staff on the correct waste segregation to avoid cross-contamination of recyclable waste.

Engaged staff who understand the importance of reducing waste will likely follow procedures that help minimise waste.

💡Did you know

New research from Keenan Recycling reveals that the average UK hospitality business spends over £50,000 annually on landfilling food waste. However, recycling food waste could save hospitality businesses up to £7,000 each year.

Pub waste removal strategies

Effective waste management is crucial in pubs, where the volume and variety of waste require smart solutions.

We detail the types of bins used to segregate and recycle waste efficiently, highlighting their role in maintaining sustainability and cleanliness in pub operations.

<h3>Glass recycling bins</h3>

Glass recycling bins

Placement: Usually found behind the bar or in the kitchen area.

Common Materials: Often made of durable plastic or metal with rubber rims to reduce noise.

Reason: Glass is a significant part of pub waste due to using bottles and jars. Recycling glass reduces general waste volume and supports sustainable waste management.

<h3>General waste bins</h3>

General waste bins

Placement: Commonly placed in kitchens, bar areas, and sometimes discreetly in customer areas.

Common Materials: Typically made of plastic or metal. They might have pedal lids for hygiene purposes.

Reason: For non-recyclable waste such as contaminated food packaging or broken utensils. Essential for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene standards.

<h3>Food waste bins</h3>

Food waste bins

Placement: Mostly located in the kitchen area.

Common Materials: Constructed from plastic and often have airtight lids to control odours.

Reason: To separate organic waste, such as food scraps, which can be composted or processed in anaerobic digestion facilities. This separation is crucial for reducing landfill use and greenhouse gas emissions.

<h3>Cardboard and paper recycling bins</h3>

Cardboard and paper recycling bins

Placement: Typically found in storage areas or near the bar.
Common Materials: Generally made from plastic, sometimes with specific slots for inserting flat cardboard.
Reason: Pubs receive many supplies in cardboard boxes, and many menus and promotional items are paper-based. Recycling these materials is efficient and environmentally friendly.

<h3>Mixed recycling bins</h3>

Mixed recycling bins

Placement: Often located in areas accessible to staff but less visible to customers, like storage rooms.

Common Materials: Usually made from durable plastic.

Reason: Used for collecting cans, plastics, and other recyclables. It helps reduce the volume of general waste and supports recycling efforts.

<h3>Glass bottle crushers</h3>

Glass bottle crushers

Placement: Usually found in the bar area or a dedicated utility space.

Common Materials: Composed of heavy-duty metals and mechanical components.

Reason: These machines crush glass bottles into sand-like particles, reducing glass waste volume and making transportation and recycling more efficient.

<h3>Used cooking oil container</h3>

Used cooking oil container

Placement: Located near cooking areas.

Common Materials: Constructed from metal to handle heavy and sometimes hot waste.

Reason: Used for collecting used cooking oil and fats, which can be recycled into biofuels or other products, reducing the environmental impact and preventing plumbing issues.

Green pints: revolutionising the pub scene with eco-friendly practices

The eco-pub movement in the UK is gaining momentum as pubs strive to become more environmentally friendly.

One notable change is the reduction of plastic straws, with approximately 8.5 billion used annually.

The industry’s carbon footprint, equivalent to Costa Rica’s, has spurred many pubs to adopt sustainable practices, including sourcing locally grown food and minimising waste. Consumer demand for sustainability is driving this shift, with around 40% of UK consumers prioritising sustainability in their purchases.

Pubs like the Sweffling White Horse and Evershot’s Acorn Inn exemplify this trend by implementing recycling initiatives.

Despite the UK pub industry producing 873,800 tonnes of waste annually, efforts like composting and bio-digesters are reducing its environmental impact.

With such initiatives becoming more widespread, the UK pub industry is moving towards a more sustainable future.

Why pubs must keep recycling rates high!

Recycling rates for pubs have increased in recent years; as recently as 2023, the general recycling target for businesses in the UK aims for an overall rate of 67.6% by 2024.

But why is this so important?

Our waste experts explain further:

<h3>Cost Savings</h3>

Cost Savings

This, by far, is their key reason for doing this.

Recycling can lead to cost savings for pubs. By minimising waste sent to landfills, pubs may reduce commercial waste collection costs, avoid paying the landfill tax, and even earn revenue by selling recyclable materials.

<h3>Environmental responsibility</h3>

Environmental responsibility

High recycling rates demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility. By recycling materials such as glass, paper, and plastic, pubs reduce their ecological impact by conserving natural resources and reducing landfill waste.

<h3>Regulatory compliance</h3>

Regulatory compliance

Many jurisdictions have regulations or mandates regarding waste management and recycling. Pubs must adhere to these regulations to avoid fines or penalties and maintain operating licenses.

<h3>Public perception</h3>

Public perception

Consumers increasingly expect businesses to prioritise sustainability and environmental stewardship.

High recycling rates can enhance a pub’s reputation and appeal to environmentally conscious customers, increasing patronage and loyalty.

<h3>Long-term viability</h3>

Long-term viability

Effective waste management, including recycling, contributes to pubs’ long-term viability and success.

By implementing sustainable practices, pubs can mitigate environmental risks, adapt to changing regulations, and remain competitive in an evolving market.

Glass Bottle Crushers

Glass bottle crushers reduce glass bottles and jars to smaller fragments or sand-like particles.

This process, crushing or pulverising, significantly reduces glass waste volume, making it easier to handle and transport.

What are the benefits of this to pubs?

  • Waste Volume Reduction: Glass bottle crushers can compress glass waste by up to 80%, allowing pubs to store more waste in less space. This reduces the frequency of waste collection and can lower waste management costs.
  • Cost Efficiency: Pubs can save on storage, transportation, and disposal costs by decreasing their glass waste volume. Fewer waste collections also mean reduced operational expenses.
  • Safety Improvements: Crushers reduce the risk of injury by transforming potentially dangerous glass bottles into small, manageable fragments, minimising the risk of sharp edges.
  • Environmental Benefits: Crushing glass increases the likelihood of recycling, reducing the environmental impact of new glass production, which is resource and energy-intensive.
  • Space Optimisation: By significantly reducing waste volume, the storage space needed for waste glass is minimised, which is valuable in pubs where space is often limited.

Why pubs are using glass bottle crushers in 2024?

In 2024, environmental concerns and sustainability practices are more prominent than ever. Pubs are increasingly adopting glass bottle crushers as part of their sustainability initiatives to:

  • Meet stricter waste management regulations that incentivise or mandate recycling efforts.
  • Enhance their green credentials, which can attract environmentally conscious customers.
  • Participate in corporate social responsibility programs that emphasise sustainable practices.

Technological advancements have made glass crushers more affordable and efficient, making them a practical investment for businesses looking to reduce their operational costs and environmental footprint.

As a result, these machines are becoming an essential part of waste management strategies in modern pubs.